Should We “Fix” the Supreme Court?

Recent Supreme Court decisions have the progressive left apoplectic.

They almost can’t understand how their monster, the federal court system, has gone rabid and turned against them.

I say almost because they believe they know the culprit.


You vote for conservatives who in turn have had the chance to nominate dozens of justices to the federal courts.

That has turned their baby against them. The child that gave them victory after victory in the twentieth century is now a heretic, warped by the enemy, the deplorable American population that exists outside of the urban progressive enclaves.

If only the Court had gone to public school instead of some fancy progressive Utopia like Harvard.

Oh wait.

Even that firewall failed them.

So they have to come up with a new way to rig the system in their favor.

The States won’t work. As this piece points out, if the Court had not made “gay marriage” legal, it still would be invalid in over 30 States. The same holds for abortion and a host of other “woke” issues.

Clearly the Congress is dead. They can’t get a scrap of progressive legislation to Biden’s desk. This is why Obama had a pen and a phone.

Biden just can find either one.

Progressives have been saying “Help me Obi Won SCOTUS. You’re our only hope.” for so long that when it fails, they don’t know what to do.

Except talk about what progressives do best: wreck the system.

Ezra Klein offers several bad ideas at the New York Times.

Court packing can’t work, Klein thinks, because once the Republicans take control of the government, they’ll just keep expanding the court. The Democrats will follow suit, and we’ll eventually have a 100 member Supreme Court.

But he can’t see the real problem because he is blinded by ideology. The real problem is not the federal court system. It’s nationalism.

The very thing he argues cannot save the system–the States–is the very thing the founding generation KNEW could save the system. But these progressive nincompoops began wrecking it in the 1860s.

Regardless, Klein’s piece makes good podcast fodder, so I discuss it on episode 665 of The Brion McClanahan Show.

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