Mt. Rushmore Myth

The following is an article I wrote for Two million people travel annually to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore. The imposing sculptures of Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln have become a symbol of the American spirit. The artist in charge of the project, Gutzon Borglum, intended his work to be a summary of the first 150 years of American history, but …more

Why the 10th Amendment?

The following is an article I wrote for The recent rejuvenation of interest in State’s rights, nullification, and secession has been a welcome result of the explosion of federal power since the housing and credit bubbles burst last fall. The 10th Amendment movements and “tea parties” are, at least on one level, a pure form of “republicanism.” Unfortunately, there are those who call themselves …more

The Stupid Empire

As the first leg of the American invasion force rolled through Iraq in 2003, Sergeant Brad Colbert of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion of the United States Marine Corps leaned out the window of his Humvee and urged the Iraqi people to “vote Republican.” This moment was captured by the embedded reporter, Evan Wright, and made famous in a series of articles that appeared in Rolling …more

National Democratic Party NDP

The following is an article I wrote for 9 July 1896. William Jennings Bryan, the young, free-silver proponent from Nebraska had just finished his vitriolic assault on the gold standard at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, Illinois by raising the applause to a fever pitch with the following iconic line: “Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by …more

Socialized Medicine is Here Already

CBS Evening News ran a story on 4 March 2009 about the problems American vets face with the inherent bureaucratic nightmares of big government. According to the story, which can be found here, many vets and their families face problems with benefits claims, and one Iraq vet stated he can’t wait to finish his MBA so he can “get real health care.” Wait a minute.I …more

Progressive Taxes the American Tradition?

I found a curious article on the bottom front fold of the newspaper this morning. The headline read “Spreading the Wealth Tradition in U.S.” Charles Babington of the A.P. wrote the piece in an apparent attempt to justify Barack Obama’s recent comment that “spreading the wealth” was a cornerstone of his economic theory. Babington, a frequent contributor to the PBS “news show” Washington Week, does …more