Do We Need a Bigger Congress?

If anyone thinks they have adequate representation in Congress, they are either clueless or rich. Maybe both, because the only “people” represented in Congress are corporations, special interest groups, and political action committees. In other words, not you. In fact, the representative ratio in Congress is somewhere around 750,000:1. When the Constitution was written in 1787, George Washington insisted that for good “republican” government, we …more

A Mainstream Conservative Praises Calhoun?

Maybe we are winning. When a mainstream conservative can write glowingly about John C. Calhoun, perhaps the Straussian smear tactics against the man aren’t having the desired effect. Good. This helps American conservatism. I know the other argument. Calhoun was a racist. How can we support that? This is a stupid argument made by historically ignorant and stupid people. You could probably count on two …more

The Truth About the Iranian Hostage Crisis

During the 1980 presidential campaign, Republican candidate Ronald Reagan continually hammered President Jimmy Carter for being too soft on communism and too weak in the Middle East. He was on to something with the Reds, though you could make a case that Carter wasn’t really aware of how many commies were floating around D.C. But the charge against Carter’s policies in the Middle East were …more

Monuments to Only One Side

The “contextualization” and removal of Confederate monuments is part of an ongoing process to change the narrative about the War for Southern Independence. How so, you might ask, as most people do not get their history from monuments. This is true, but monuments are tourist attractions and do have a lasting impact on the cultural legacy of a people and a place. You see, to …more

The Worst President in American History Is?

Donald Trump was arrested today, and if I asked the subject of this email to one of my Ukrainian Flag friends on Twitter, they would surely say Donald Trump. Or maybe Ronald Reagan. You might get a George W. Bush or a Richard Nixon. But you would never get an Abraham Lincoln. Nope. The same people who put Ukrainian Flags in their bio also have …more

Americans Want a National Divorce

According to a recent poll, over 60 percent of Americans want a national divorce. This is significant. This is probably the largest percentage of Americans who are contemplating the value of union since 1860. I know there are some righteous cause mythologists on this email list who will immediately cry, “TREASON”, but not so fast. Many members of the founding generation openly discussed secession. Most …more

Is This The Best Way to Sell Secession?

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s national divorce comment started a national conversation. Sean Hannity invited her on to his program to find out what she meant by a “national divorce.” She wavered and waffled and eventually concluded that she didn’t really mean secession. She meant separation or the ability for red state conservatives to be free from the tyranny of blue state leftists. This represents the modern …more

Do the Founding Fathers Matter?

Many of us spend a lot of time looking to the founding generation for answers to contemporary political problems. The left doesn’t care. In fact, they don’t think the founding generation matters. Period. You see, for years progressives have conditioned people to think of the founding generation as little more than a bunch of dead slave-owning white men who never believed in progressive ideals. When …more

Were Confederates Nazis?

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Confederate soldiers were proto-Nazis. This is the worst charge progressives level against the South. You see, if those evil white supremacist Southerners (as opposed to the good white supremacist Northerners) had won the War, Northern Americans would have been plagued with Adolf Hitler Calhoun right on their doorstep. It doesn’t help that you have some truly lost …more

Missouri Nullification and Texas Secession

An Obama appointed federal judge has declared a Missouri law in opposition to federal gun control to be unconstitutional. Why? SUPREMACY! This argument is the weakest in the national arsenal. Even Hamilton said unconstitutional federal legislation should not be enforced, and Hamilton never met a nationalist argument he didn’t like. It never stops dopes from being dopes, even when they have law degrees and wear …more